
College Development Council

The general administration of the college is by the Principal subject to the control of the Director, CAPE. The members of the college staff also participate in the general administrative work of the college as per the directions and under the supervision of the Principal. The College Development Council is the supporting body to the Principal in the general administration of the college and is empowered to consider the report on any matter concerning accommodation, courses of instruction, rules of discipline etc. referred to it by the Principal. However, the council shall not interfere in any manner with the general administration of the college, which is invested with the Principal.

The day to day activities of the institutions and issues are discussed and corrective measures to be taken are decided in the meetings. Some of the general administrative works of the institution are distributed among the members of the council under the supervision of the Principal.

Responsibilities :

The College Development Council consists of the Principal as the chairman and the following staff as members: